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post in the evening



post a before/after pic or a weigh day post about your journey! 

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  1. When you make a (Weight loss Post), never say diet or meal plan etc... always only say the word “PROGRAM”​​

2. Make sure you don’t have anything planned the night of your before and after post. It is critical that you keep your eyes on this post and have the time to work it correctly. For most of you this will be your most important post during this 30 day training/activity regimen.

Make yourself available to do the share calls/health assessments- appointments you make with the people who are interested in your post. It is very critical not to have anything scheduled or planned that could keep you from doing share calls during the immediate time two days following your post.

3. How to respond to someone that comments on your post or messages you about the PROGRAM: 

Message to send:

"Hey there! So glad you reached out! I would love to share this program with you. the first step is to fill out this free health assessment, This will tell me which plan will be best to share with you. It will go straight to my email and then I'll Reach back out to give you the details."

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More tips:

  • Put yourself out there & be vulnerable as you tell your story.

  • It’s important to tell what the program has done for you early in your journey.


  • The amount of weight you lost

  • How much better you feel “I feel like I’m in my 20’s again”

  • How much more energy you have

  • Confidence Gained

  • Quality of sleep is getting better

  • I can bend over and tie my shoes & breath @ the same time

  • I’m able to play with kids longer

  • Pain relief - pressure off of knees and joints

  • Wearing smaller sizes in clothes

  •  No longer run out off breathe and able to do activities with your family you couldn’t do before etc..etc...etc..

  • Explain when you started gaining your weight and the things in life that contributed to the weight gain.

  • Explain some negatives from gaining the weight & how it effected the quality of your life.

  • Mention How your lifestyle has changed for the better since being on program.

  • URGENT! Always mention the word“PROGRAM” in your story

  • By doing so, it leaves a “” in the viewers mind, that will prompt them to ask you, “what program are you on” ??  

  • You can also include these somewhere in the post:

  •  No meal prep

  •  No exercise



Don't have a major weight loss story? Not quite ready to share 

a before and after pic? The examples below are for you! 

type a simple message with a colorful background!

Additional training: 

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