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Be sure your settings are set so that others can't tag you in a post without your permission.  Otherwise, Aunt Betty could tag you in a cake recipe and throw your great transformation post out of the newsfeeds!

Here's how:

very important!

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Be sure that your posts are set to public to reach more people! It will have a world symbol when it's public. Ask your mentors if you need help.

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Important tip!  Don't post anything else to your timeline for at least 3-4 hours once you post a transformation! Otherwise, the new post will bump it out of the newsfeed!

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Tip! If you accidently miss a day on this page, don't skip ahead! Pick up where you left off.  Keep your momentum going by staying consistent! Just like the 5/1 plan, if you want the best results, FOLLOW THE PLAN!

A modified plan, gets modified results!

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Consistency + Action = Success

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