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Facebook Stories

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Utilizing Facebook stories is a great way to grow your coaching business!

Reminders from this video:

*Who are you? What do you want people to know about you? (family, meals, your journey, a typical day for you)

*Some people only skim stories not posts, so aim for posting 3-5 stories a day

*An easy way to comment on someone else's story and ask a question

*An easy way for others to interact with your story and start a conversation

*Go to button labeled "Stories"- save them to your phone

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here are some top tips:

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You should have at least 3-5 stories every day. This helps people see into your world and you can be fun with graphics, music, etc.

if you’re not sure how to utilize this, you can Google “Facebook Stories” for instruction

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Click the button below titled "stories" for great examples that you can save to your phone and post in your stories! Have fun with it! Use graphics, fun emojis and even music. Let your personality shine through so that people can get to know you. This builds trust. Especially if they think you are fun!

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